Happy Sammy

Happy Sammy

Monday, 15 August 2011

9 Weeks & I'm Feeling Healthier

Most of my days are spent relaxing in the sun. I watch my stepbrother and sister, King & Princess Mollydawag, romp and play. Sometimes I try to romp with them, but they play very rough. When I play, I am not as sure footed as they are. Sometimes I almost trip over my own feet. I know Im losing some weight because I can run and frolick much easier these days. Mommy tries really hard to get me to run and play with her. I do ... sometimes... Mostly I enjoy playing by myself with my toys.

On days when its hot and everyone goes out to lay in the shade, I like to stay indoors. Mommy turns the air conditioner on for me and sometimes she tricks King into staying indoors with me. I like him. He lets me give him licks. Sometimes we even lie together touching paws. My mom thinks he's younger than my 10 years. She says maybe 9. Some days I think he's older. His coat is turning very white. I see it in his eyes. I treat him with respect, because, I believe he deserves it.

This is my home and I am happy. Its a wonderful life!

Tuesday, 2 August 2011

My Bathday! Oh my

Mommy says I was such a good girl I'll prolly get another one in a month. EEK! Perhaps I ought to wiggle and squirm more next time.
It really wasnt so bad though. The water was warm and mommy gives a GREAT massage!